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Learn English

English lessons/英会話 are available. 

This is suitable for students who 

1) come from non-English speaking countries 日本人の方も大歓迎

2) want to study English as a second language

3) beginners in learning English

4) need someone to practise daily English conversation and point out their mistakes in speaking English


English as a Second Language

It's never easy to master English if you are living in an environment that do not speak English on a daily basis. A few hours of English lessons in school is never enough, you need to speak English EVERYDAY if you want to become fluent in that langauge.



Business English

For those of you who are going to be working in English-speaking countries such as Singapore, life will be easier at work if you have mastered the english langagues spoken at workplace. They are not rocket science(difficult) but you just have problems finding the correct word to express yourself.


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